miercuri, 13 august 2008

Act of solidarity

Democratic Youth - Youth Organization of Democratic Party of Moldova would like express our support and solidarity to the people of the Republic of Georgia, currently being attacked by the Russian Federation.
In this context we are making a statement to express our support to Georgian comrades and at all Georgian youth, demanding an immediate ceasefire and the removal of Russian troops off Georgian territories.
Democratic Youth believes that the war has some negative impact for the youth, developing the aggression and intolerance. Accordingly, we plead that peace measures should be found rather than armed conflict. We also call the Russian Youth Organizations to reject the hostilities and urge their government to return to peace.
We would like mention that Republic of Moldova was involved in a similar situation like Georgia due to the frozen Transniester conflict. In this context, we, Democratic Youth perfectly understand the difficult situation in Georgia and totally support the Georgian people in these moments.
We condemn the aggression,
We ask the immediate ceasing of the conflict from Georgia territory,
Dear Comrades, in this difficult moment for you and your country,
We are with You

Democratic Youth

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